Friday, June 18, 2010

Content Blog Review: io9

I was working with my composer a few months ago on my new film and somehow we began discussing blogs and how we like very few of them. He then pointed to me to this site: io9. It is a blog geared towards anything related to science fiction. As their manifesto states, "io9 is addicted to science fiction because it's the storytelling branch of prophesy. We'll be writing obsessively about scifi in every format: books, movies, TV, Web, comics, games, art, music, and fashion."

After following the site for a few months, I have fallen head over heels for it. It covers everything and anything a fan of science fiction would be interested in. From new news about old favorites to images of nebula's in space, and so on. The purpose of the site is to spread geek news to the hungry masses. Although I can't say I'm looking for much of the information they are giving, I always find myself interested in what they post. Their content is strong and interesting, and without just rehashing news that any other site can give you, they have lists, top tens, and plenty of other information that is only native to their site. This is their strongest attribute, it is the hub of all great news for someone like me or others that love anything sci-fi.

One of my favorite organizational tools the site uses is that every post is tagged to a subsection of the blog. For example, if an article appears on the site it is tagged to a subsection of the blog. Such as images of space are tagged under "spaceporn" or some crazy image of a Ghostbusters ghost as a puppet is tagged under "holycrapwtf." Everyday I seem to find a new subsection in the site and since they are constantly posting to the blog it seems that it is growing at a rapid pace, therefore the site is deep and informational.

Another thing that I love and respect about the site is that the information isn't watered down or brought to a lower level to be easily accessible to all newcomers. The site is for sci-fi fans and tailors to their needs and their level of writing. The writing of each article is well done both linguistically and informational.

Overall the site is the perfect blog for sci-fi fans of all kinds. From the Trekkie, to the astronomer, to the Phillip K. Dick fan. They tailor their site and information to the entire spectrum of fans, and that is the most respectable part of

1 comment:

  1. What you wrote made great sense; however, how you presented it didn't. Using new media tools was essential here. Linking. Visual clips. Headings. Spacial consideration. All. Necessary. Without those, this read like homework. And, neither one of us likely wants to be involved with that. :)
