Saturday, June 5, 2010

Don't Trust Wikipedia

I find that many people in high school through college treat Wikipedia as the end all be all of information and references. When in actuality it's usually riddled with wrong information, and poisoned with idiotic teenagers trying to prove their friends wrong and constantly changing Wiki pages. Although I love the idea of a free and useful library online, I don't like the blind confidence and trust that people place on Wikipedia. I don't think older generations realize how much my generation uses the internet for nearly everything. I'd like to do a poll and ask my peers when was the last time they went into a library to do research? If I were to be honest and answer that question myself, I don't know the last time.

One of Keens best points is "dictatorship of expertise vs. dictatorship of idiots." Who is really controlling the content all over the internet. Although I always knew that Wikipedia was user edited and user controlled, I don't know why I didn't have more of a problem with using it as a reference site. I guess it comes down to plain laziness/convenience. But now that my eyes have been open to the issue of idiot controlled content, I think it time to start changing the way I look up and reference my papers/topics/etc.

Overall I have been completely blown away by Mr. Keen's topics and ideas. I think his view of the internet and his epiphany that he talks about having, is what I'm about to go through. I'm excited to read his book because I really want to discuss (like a mormon on a mission) with friends and peers of mine. The people need to know what they are using and who is controlling it!

1 comment:

  1. It's easy. It's free. It's immediate. And we are all used to easy and free and immediate.

    Bye bye Brittanica. You had some swell offices on Michigan avenue. Now my neighbor has all the stuff I need to know.
