Saturday, July 3, 2010

Top Five Blog Tips

The general community outside of the blogosphere seems to look down upon the blogging world. I remember around the 2008 election, many pundits and talking heads of Sunday talk shows would look down about the murmurs and advice of the bloggers. Why is that? I think it may be a generational gap between the bloggers and the haters. But perhaps this gap could be forgotten or stepped over if they followed my (or my peers) top 5 blog tips! That may be a gross overstatement which could not be proven to be fact, but what the hell. Here is my top 5 list to help improve your blog:

#1: Interesting Subject Matter
What are you bringing to the table? What is going to make someone choose your blog over another? Just like with any good photo, story, film, painting, you need to hook your audience and reel them in. How? Try to be original. For example, I wanted to a blog that was somehow film related. Then I widdled that down from film to science fiction, then from that to reviewing sci-fi films. You want to try and bring something new to the table. Especially since the internet is drowning in "me me me" blogs, as I call them, try and step outside the box and bring in something different.

#2: Template Compliments Subject Matter
Many sites and blogs just don't work and aren't successful due to that. I think one reason for this is that the template of the blog does not fit the subject matter being written about. But when it does you have great synergy with text & visuals. This brings people back to the page because they feel it works overall as a blog.

#3: Visuals That Support Blog
One of the big problems I have with many blogs is the lack of visuals. At the same time I don't think there should be more pictures/videos then text, but I do find some blogs are large blocks that are hard to get through. There needs to be a balance for the audience. One blog that does an excellent job of keeping a balance of visual hooks and interested subject matter is SlashFilm.

#4: Hyperlinks
I have found the use to hyperlinks to be beyond useful. I like to place a lot of visuals from the films, on set pictures, pictures of directors and actors working, and screen-caps of the films, but find that not all of them can fit on the blog without it being cluttered. With the use of hyperlinks you can add more information into your words without cluttering your page. Also using it to inform your audience more is always a great tool. For example hyperlinking to an article, game, or video that you simply can't fit on your page. It's just an overall great tool to use to expand your blog without doing it physically on your page.

#5: Don't Make It All About You
With everything else it is not black & white, there is a grey area here. It may just be a pet peeve thing with me too, but I don't want to read about what sandwich you ate yesterday or why your friend isn't texting you. This is a problem I feel is deep rooted in many of my generation, self indulgence. With Facebook status updates, Twitter, and blogs, it seems to be all about the culture of "me me me." Some may find it interesting, but I don't seem to. Now there is nothing wrong with talking about yourself or adding your personal views, but don't fall into the realm where the entire blog is about you. Unless your Brad Pitt or Obama, most people (hopefully) won't care about what underwear your wearing. But like I stated earlier, it is not black & white, and it is Ok to put your opinions, views, or feeligns into your blog, just don't make it a diary.

1 comment:

  1. Many interesting and appropriate comments here; I wish, however, that you had provided visual support for your assertions. Without those, this often reads like notes in search of a new media framework.
