Saturday, June 12, 2010

Internet Collaboration

Many artists around the world are collaborating with one another right now, without even meeting face to face. This is one of the many tools the internet brings to the artist. We can collaborate without being in the same room or without making a phone call (if you remember what that's like).

I had great exposure to this last semester in my Psychology of Creativity class. At the end of the semester we were supposed to get in groups and collaborate on a piece of artwork. My group was able to meet with one another and put together a little poem/video segment that went over well. But one group wasn't able to meet since the three of them were all extremely busy with their musical careers. What they ended up doing is creating a song together without being in the same room. I forget what site they used or what program, but one person would put a guitar track in or a vocal track, then the next person would go in and either modify previous work or add a new bass track, etc. In the end they had a great song that flowed well and was musically interesting. All without having the meet with one another. This was the first time I realized how the art community was changing with the power of the internet.

I personally have also found the internet very useful with collaborating. On my latest film I needed to work on the film score with my colleague/pal Dave, but the problem was that he lives near Boston. But with an easy upload and for him a easier download, he was able to watch the rough of the film and send me back samples of his score. We conferenced back and forth on ideas, and in the end we were both pleased with the final product. And all this occurred without meeting. That was bullet point #2 for my eyes widening to the idea of voiceless collaboration. Although I still think it is best for two people to meet in person, but if it is not possible I don't have to worry anymore about work suffering because it has proven itself a few times over to work.

1 comment:

  1. Yes, the world of collaboration has widened. Check out A good friend of mine has collaborated with people from around the world.
